Sunday, 25 October 2009

Our new blog!!!

Hello everyone!!

This is our new great blog!But....uhm...actually you don't know who we are and what the blog is about...don't worry I ll tell you in the next lines ;)

We are a team of young students members of EUforIA that stands for EUROPEANS UNITED INFORMED ACTION.
The question that someone reading this would now ask is..."What is EUforIA ??"...well that's actually a good question before I tell you what this blog is about.

EUforIA :

Where? GENEVA based organisation coming soon in other European countries

When? Not so much time ago...just since Spring 2007

Who? Founded by 6 European students who met in an exchange year

Now the big question is WHAT ARE EUforIA's GOALS?

EUforIA s goals include but are not limited to the following:
  1. Educate and inform young people about global challenges
  2. Stimulate youth to become active and to get involved
  3. Encourage multiple points-of-view and critical thinking
  4. Cultivate a sense of global responsibility and solidarity within European youth
  5. Communicate messages in ways that appeal to young people
  6. Promote informed action, responsibility, solidarity
  7. Strengthen public recognition of young leaders visions

Go check to find much more information ;)

So far EUforIA organised 4 successfull events :

  1. EYS08 in Geneva
  2. EYW on Migration and intercultural dialogue
  3. EYD Concump(ac)tion 2009
  4. EYS09

It was actually today when we were in the closing cerimony of the EYS09 that I told Nathan ( soon you'll know who he is...) that we could create a blog where we could share with you all the pre-event of the next big EUforIA event which we are organising.

That's more or less what happened some hours ago...right now I am here in my wonderful room writing to you and I am enthousiastic about it and also Nathan was even if he didn't know I was going to do it so fast :P

Let's go back to the event ...

The event we are organising it is the ELAYS,EUforIA Latin America Youth Summit,a 4 days event which will take place during the last days of April - beginnning of May 2010 in Geneva.

What the organising team of the Elays is going to do is to share with you the whole organisation process from now till the event.

We will try to tell you as much as we can about the organisation and much more...yeah,much more because I think that this should be a space where we can be free to tell you whatever we need to tell you about our committment,our passions,our difficulties,our challenges etc.etc.etc.

BUT...WHAT IS THE ELAYS ABOUT???'ll find out in the next posts that will be written :P patient and if you are not maybe you can find out some info on the EUforIA web site!!!

I hope that this blog would be interesting for all of you and for the other EUforIAns who can follow our work step by step :)

Next episode...coming soon..;)

Alessia (co-president ELAYS)

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